

Grant Consulting & Training

Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, First Responders & Public Safety

Grant-Writing Training

Our online and in-person grant writing training helps public safety organizations win grants.

“Departments need to invest the time and money to attend one of your classes.”
AFG peer reviewer

“We would have missed crucial details in our application that may not have gotten it before a peer review panel and ultimately funded.”

— Lt. Aaron Leonard,
Newark VT Volunteer Fire Department

“I was thrilled with the course and content. I credit the success of my first professional grant writing effort to what I learned in your course.”

— Alexis Davis,
Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office

Our Award-Winning Services

Application Help

Different grants have deadlines throughout the year. Need help with your application? Limited slots available:

a female firefighter climbing a ladder
man wearing black officer uniform

Grant Writing & Review

Our premier grant writers support writing and reviewing your grant from start to finish.

Consulting Services

Grant writing & application help from America’s best public safety grants consultants.

people on a video call

National and Online Training for Public Safety Grant Writing

In-Person Training

Our signature classes train first responders nationwide to understand, apply for and win public safety grants.

Live Zoom Training

Can’t make it to an in-person training? Our Live Zoom training gives you access to our signature classes, wherever you are.

yellow hard hat on brown and yellow fireman s suit

Image: Ada Be http://flic.kr/p/8FKgee

Instant Access Training

Ready to get started now? Our Instant Access training is the perfect way on your schedule.

Host Grant Training

Bring America’s best public safety grant training directly to your jurisdiction.

Need help writing and managing grants?

For more information on Grant Training & Consulting: 603-254-4730
Contact our office: 540-230-8440