
FEMA Updates the Climate Risk and Resilience (ClimRR) Portal and announces ClimRR webinar tutorials

Public safety grant updates from FEMA: NIMS Alert 02-24

The Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR) is an award-winning, free, national online source for sophisticated climate data down to the neighborhood level.  ClimRR provides easy access to climate data to integrate future conditions into Hazard Mitigation Plans, land use plans, infrastructure design, and FEMA’s Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT).

ClimRR data is available for changing hazards: extreme temperatures (hot and cold), cooling and heating degree days, heat index, wind, fire weather index, precipitation/no precipitation under two carbon emission scenarios. The updated portal lets users visualize and analyze future climate hazards combined with local demographic and infrastructure data. Enhanced features include:

  • New Consolidated Local Reports Assessing Future Climate Hazards and Community Impacts
  • New Maps, Charts & Visualizations 
  • Improved Educational Features to Interpret Climate Hazard Data Points 

Register now for a ClimRR webinar: Webinars are open to everyone, and real-time captioning is available.

  • Wednesday, January 31: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
  • Thursday, February 1: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET

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