
$139,412.50 in FY 2023 AFG fire grants awarded to First Responder Grants clients and students

We at First Responder Grants want to congratulate an additional 6 clients and students who have won AFG fire grant awards! As of July 26, 2024, the following Fire Service organizations are confirmed recipients of AFG fire grants under the FY 2023 program:

  • Wesley Volunteer Fire Department, Maine, $52,720, for structural firefighting gear
  • West Fairlee Volunteer Fire Department, Vermont, $101,047, for portable radios
  • Oronogo Fire Department, Missouri, $38,096, large diameter hose
  • Filer Rural Fire Department, Idaho, $68,572, structural firefighting gear
  • County of Allendale Fire Department, South Carolina, $496,898, SCBA and RIT packs
  • Middlefield Volunteer Fire Company, Connecticut, $79,142, structural firefighting gear

Combined, their awards total $139,412.50.

You can view the individual award data in FEMA’s AFG Awards section.

During the announcement period, FEMA typically announces new award rounds on Fridays. Stay tuned: Will this year be the year for your fire service organization? And are you ready for the new application round? Get ready now:

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