
$30K Firehouse Subs fire grant funds extrication equipment

Image: Town of Gorham, NH

Through the continued support of Greg Bavis at First Responder Grants, we have been able to find and apply to grants we never looked twice at in the past. The help that Greg has provided me over the last year has shown me the way to write effective narratives which make all the difference when applying.

Gorham Fire and EMS was awarded a grant from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation in the amount of $29,866 for the purpose of extrication equipment.

Thank you once again to First Responder Grants for helping Gorham Fire and EMS to make upgrades to necessary safety equipment at little or no cost to taxpayers.

Philip Cloutier
Fire Chief, EMT/EMD
Town of Gorham Fire & EMS
Gorham, NH

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