Law Enforcement grants… they do happen! All around the country, every day there are grants going out to agencies just like yours. Here are 4 police grant awards that got our attention.
North Ridgeville Police receives traffic grants
Both grants were through the state’s High Visibility Enforcement program, designed to create deterrences for unlawful traffic behavior. The grants total $58,098.56. The funds will be used for high visibility overtime traffic enforcement between this month and September 2025.
Wright City Police Department receives grants to hire additional officers, purchase cameras
The grant, for over $340,000, will cover 60% of the salaries and benefits packages of two new patrol officers and a new detective for four years, according to Lieutenant Aaron Sutton. The department will shoulder the rest of the cost.
Local Police Participating in State Grants
The department announced that in cooperation with the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office and Two Rivers Police, more officers will be deployed from now until September 2025 because of some state grants.
Decatur Police awarded IDOT grant to improve traffic safety
During the STEP grant year, which runs from Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2025, Decatur PD is looking to conduct additional enforcement efforts. This will supplement mandatory and optional campaign enforcement dates that are scheduled during some of the deadliest times of the year.