
FEMA and SAM.gov: 30-Day Extensions for Entity Registration Renewals

FEMA and SAM.gov have identified a UEI issue from a platform upgrade completed earlier in 2022. This issue can impact how your organization is considered as current or expired in the SAM.gov system, which could delay or cause issues with grants and grant awards.

“I have two clients that have had issues with SAM because of this,” explains Greg Bavis, grants consultant with First Responder Grants. “One renewed in January 2022 and shows they are expired. The other renewed in October 2021 and shows they are expired.”

Departments might think that their SAM renewal is all set, but it could show expired since the transition, Greg adds.

FEMA has reported that it is working to resolve the issue.

Why this problem matters to your grants

Federal grants and grant awards require an active registration in SAM.gov. If your registration shows as inactive, that could cause delays or cancellations with your grant applications and/or grant awards.

Update from FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO), May 4, 2022

The message below was sent by FEMA on May 4, 2022:

Dear FEMA GO Users and Stakeholders,

This notice is to inform you about the following message from GSA regarding the 30-Day Extensions for Entity Registration Renewals | Interact (gsa.gov):

Last month, the new Unique Entity ID generated in SAM.gov became the official, governmentwide identifier used for federal awards. To continue to help users during the transition, there will be an automatic, 30-day extension for any existing SAM.gov entity registrations needing to be renewed with an expiration date ranging between Friday, April 29, 2022, and April 28, 2023. No action is required on the part of entity registrants.

Each impacted registration renewal will have 30 days added to their expiration date. As an example, an entity registration set to expire on June 1, 2022 will automatically be granted a 30-day extension to July 1, 2022. Entity administrators impacted by this change will receive an email from [email protected] with the subject line “30-Day SAM.gov Extension Granted for [Entity Name/Unique Entity ID/CAGE].”

The new expiration dates will be included in the SAM entity management extracts and available through web services after the records are extended. We will process the extensions in a deliberate, incremental manner over the course of several weeks. This will allow the U.S. government systems which rely on our data to consume it on their normal cadence.

If you need assistance with any of the IAE systems, including SAM.gov, please contact the Federal Service Desk at FSD.gov.  To learn more about the IAE and our systems, visit GSA.gov/IAE.

What you can do

To see if your SAM.gov registration may be affected, log into your SAM.gov account and check your registration status. If your registration shows as expired, but you have renewed or registered an active registration, send FEMA a support ticket to start the process on resolving the problem.

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