
Police grants and fire grants: First responders win grants in 2022!

Our public safety grant consultants work with fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and other organizations from coast to coast. Now and again, we like to give a shout-out to some of these departments when they win grant awards. Their grant efforts paid off, and now those agencies have won crucial funding for their equipment, personnel, and communities.

Here are a few of their stories.

Fire grant winner: $37K for turnout gear and SCBA

The Canterbury Fire Department, New Hampshire, was awarded $37,000 from the State of New Hampshire Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery. This vital award will fund 13 sets of turnout gear, as well as SCBA face pieces for each member.

Police grant winner: Over $13K under the American Rescue Plan Act

The Ashland Police Department in Ashland, New Hampshire, was awarded $13,620 under the American Rescue Plan Act. This award will help fund two digital speed sign boards, as well as in-cruiser scanner/printers for use with MDTs.

Fire grant winner: Over $42K under the American Rescue Plan Act

The Plymouth Fire Department in Plymouth, New Hampshire, was awarded $42,417.42 under the American Rescue Plan Act for a battery-operated stretcher and power load system, complete with a 5-year warranty, stair chair, 5-year warranty on the stair chair, and ultrasound scanner, a 3-year membership with technical support for the ultrasound, an ultrasound fan, and shipping and handling.

Public safety agencies can win grants, and yours can too

Are grants competitive? You bet. Does it take work to make them happen? For sure. Is success guaranteed? Of course not.

But when you put in the work, get the training you need, and work with an experienced public safety grants consultant, it could be your agency’s name going into the winner’s circle too.

Are you ready to win grants?

Write a stronger grant

We can train you to write competitive grants

We can write or review your application for you

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