
FEMA announces FY 2024 Selections for the Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund Program

FEMA news

On Sept. 16, 2024, FEMA announced the selection of 12 applicants to receive $150 million made available through the Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund (Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF) program, for fiscal year 2024.

This is the second award cycle for the Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) program. FEMA received applications requesting more than $293 million, making the program oversubscribed nearly two times the $150 million made available.

STRLF Annoucement 091624

The grants provide low-interest loans to local governments most in need of financial assistance, including ones in low-income geographic areas and underserved communities. Revolving loan funding may also support measures to protect infrastructure such as public housing, water treatment facilities, dams, levees, and coastal structures. Other eligible project types include activities that impact zoning, building code enforcement, and land use planning changes. 

Through the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), commonly known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), $200 million in investments have been made to date. The BIL infused $500 million into the program over five years through fiscal year 2026. FEMA anticipates releasing another funding opportunity later this year.

This funding highlights the importance of FEMA’s continued commitment to “people first” and helping communities, families and businesses build climate resilience. FEMA will continue to offer webinars, office hours, on-demand videos, website updates, and program support materials to assist and encourage existing and future applicants to participate and make use of this innovative program funding. 

Learn more about the Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF

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