
OVW Fiscal Year 2019 Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program

Reduce violent crime against women and promote victim safety

Grant Website & Guidelines

Grant Deadline: Feb. 7, 2019

Grants up to $500,000

The goal of the Disability Grant Program is to create sustainable change within and between organizations that improves the response to individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault and to hold perpetrators of such crimes accountable.

Disability Grant Program funds are used to establish and strengthen multidisciplinary
collaborative relationships; increase organizational capacity to provide accessible, safe, and effective services to individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of violence and abuse; identify needs within the grantee’s organization and/or service area; and develop a plan to address those identified needs that builds a strong foundation for future work.

Letter of Intent: Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent to
[email protected] by January 11, 2019. This letter confirms that the applicant has registered with SAM and Grants.gov. Submitting a Letter of Intent will not obligate a potential applicant to submit an application. Interested applicants who do not submit a Letter of Intent are still eligible to apply.

What this grant does for your agency

  1. To provide personnel, training, technical assistance, advocacy, intervention, risk reduction (including using evidence-based indicators to assess the risk of domestic and dating violence homicide) and prevention of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault against individuals with disabilities;
  2. To conduct outreach activities to ensure that individuals with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault receive appropriate assistance;
  3. To conduct cross-training for victim service organizations, governmental agencies, courts, law enforcement, and nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations serving individuals with disabilities about risk reduction, intervention, prevention and the nature of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault for individuals with disabilities;
  4. To provide technical assistance to assist with modifications to existing policies, protocols, and procedures to ensure equal access to the services, programs, and activities of victim service providers for individuals with disabilities;
  5. To provide training and technical assistance on the requirements of shelters and victim service providers under Federal anti-discrimination laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.) and section 794 of title 29 (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973);
  6. To modify facilities, purchase equipment, and provide personnel so that shelters and victim service organizations can accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities;
  7. To provide advocacy and intervention services for individuals with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault; or
  8. To develop model programs providing advocacy and intervention services within organizations serving individuals with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

Agencies awarded the OVW Fiscal Year 2019 Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program receive cooperative agreements.

The award period is 36 months for new applications and 24 months for continuation
applications. Budgets must reflect 36 or 24 months of project activity, and the total “estimated funding” on the SF-424 must reflect 36 or 24 months. Generally, the award period will start on October 1, 2019.

This program typically makes awards in the range of $325,000 – $500,000. OVW estimates that it will make up to 10 awards for an estimated $4,275,000. Funding levels under this program for FY 2019 are:

  1. New, local-focused $425,000 for 36 months
  2. New, state-focused $500,000 for 36 months
  3. Continuation, local-focused $325,000 for 24 months
  4. Continuation, state-focused $400,000 for 24 months

Only a limited number of grants will be awarded.

Grant Eligibility

For full eligibility details, see the Grant Guidelines: Eligible applicants are limited to:

  • States;
  • units of local government;
  • Indian tribal governments or tribal organizations;
  • and victim service providers, such as state or tribal domestic violence or sexual assault coalitions or nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations serving individuals with disabilities.

About the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. More

Grant Deadline

Grant applications are due no later than 11:59 p.m. EST, Feb. 7, 2018.


OMB Number: 1122-0020. Apply for the OVW Fiscal Year 2019 Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program

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