These Fire Service grant headlines got our attention – news, awards, and more, about everyday agencies just like yours!
Alabama: Ruth VFD in desperate shape; down to one truck
“Currently, we have three 2009 federal grant requests in review which will require Ruth VFD to produce match funds in order to receive any of this grant money,” said Assistant Chief Greg Murphy. “If awarded this year, we will match the required 5 percent, which will be $13,475. The grant money the department has applied for is $256,000.
Croton-on-Hudson (NY) FD Receives $100K Grant for New Fire Boat
The new fire boat is equipped with a 1,000 gallon-per-minute (gpm) pump that will support operations on water, docks, and inaccessible shorelines, the report said.
Clinton Township applies for two grants prior to deadline
Clinton Township’s Board of Trustees unanimously agreed to apply for the 2024 Assistance to Firefighters Grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The grant would provide 90% of the funding for a new training facility and 70 Hexoskin wearable vests to monitor personnel vital signs during training. The total cost of the project is $600,000.