
5 fire grant news and awards updates: fire prevention, health screenings, firefighter safety & more

All around the country, Fire Service, EMS, and Rescue grant awards go out to agencies just like yours every single day. Here are some recent public safety grant awards, headlines, and other announcements that got our attention.

FRCE Awarded 2023 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant

Crofton, MD – The First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE) is proud to announce its selection as a recipient of the prestigious 2023 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant (EMW-2023-FP-00627). The goal of the FP&S Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by providing financial assistance for fire prevention programs and firefighter health and safety research and development. With this grant, FRCE will continue to elevate the health and wellness of firefighters, EMS personnel, and dispatchers through innovative training and education.

Fire departments across NEPA receive $2M in federal grants

Some fire departments and hose companies across the NEPA will receive life-saving equipment and preventative health care screenings.

Franklin County Fire District 3 awarded new equipment from Gary Sinise Foundation, Amazon

FCFD3 received a grant of $43,000 for new fire safety inflatables for safety education and demonstrations in schools and the community, according to a press release from the GSF.

Oregon State Fire Marshal Awards $3 Million in Grants to Boost Community Wildfire Resilience

SALEM, Ore. – As wildfire increasingly impacts communities across the state, the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is working with communities to improve their resilience through newly awarded grant funds. The OSFM awarded $3 million to 40 communities across the state to create defensible space and other wildfire risk reduction projects.

Maine Firefighter Safety Equipment Grants

Due to the recent adoption of LD 516 (PL 2023, c. 437), municipal fire departments can apply for grants to purchase extractor washing machines and diesel exhaust systems that aid in mitigating cancer risks. Working collaboratively with the Maine Fire Chiefs’ Association, Maine Federation of Firefighters, Professional Firefighters of Maine and the Firefighter Cancer Support Network, the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission will distribute $250,000 in Firefighter Safety Equipment grants. Applications must be submitted by the close of business on January 31, 2025. For more information on eligibility requirements, maximum grant awards, as well as a copy of the grant application, please visit the Office of the State Fire Marshal here.

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