
6 public safety news, awards & updates from Oregon to Tennessee

The world of public safety grants is always moving and it never stops! Here are some recent awards, updates, and opportunities for the Fire Service, Law Enforcement, and more:

Arkansas: Local communities awarded Rural Services grant

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission’s Rural Services Division recently awarded grants totaling more than $800,000 to 29 Arkansas cities and counties through two grant programs. Grants were presented to recipients during the 2024 Arkansas Rural Development Conference, held May 21-23 in Hot Springs…

Iowa: Over $119,000 In Grants Go To O’Brien County Area Organizations

Other projects receiving sizable grants were the Hartley Fire Department toward air compressor bottle replacement, the Hartley Emergency Ambulance Rescue Team toward a Physio Lifepack 15 (which is a monitor/defibrillator), and the City of Calumet toward park shelter accessibility. Each of these organizations was awarded a $10,000 grant.

Massachusetts municipal fire departments share $1M in state grants to promote fire safety ed

Auburn is one of 214 municipal fire departments in Massachusetts that will share $1,138,565, with the city receiving $5,698 for its in-school programing and another $2,396 for its senior citizen programming. A dozen regional departments also received grants to continue fire safety programs within their jurisdictions.

New Jersey: The Summit Foundation Announces $330,130 in Grants to Summit NJ Area Organizations

These grants provide funding to address needs in areas such as accessibility, healthcare and wellness, education and the arts in the Summit, NJ area.

Oregon: County Awarded FEMA Grant for Emergency Radio Communications System

Douglas County government was notified last week that the county had been awarded grants totaling over $16.6 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help upgrade the 30-year-old outdated Douglas County Emergency Communications System.

Tennessee: MTSU invests more than $1.8M in campus safety upgrades, includes weapons detection systems

MTSU landed the funds from the Office of Criminal Justice Programs’ Higher Education Safety Grant within the Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration earlier this year. The university said it was part of a larger pot of $30 million split between other state higher education institutions.

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