
FY 2018 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes

NIJ National Institute of Justice

Improve and create programs to reduce hate crimes

Grant Website

Grant Guidelines

Grant Deadline: All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on May 3, 2018

Grants up to $1.5 million to understand hate crimes

NIJ is seeking applications for research and evaluation to:

  • understand the motivations and pathways to hate crime offending;
  • determine whether programs targeted at hate crime offenders are effective at reducing reoffending;
  • determine whether programs that work with victims of hate crimes and their communities are effective at reducing the harms caused by hate crimes; and
  • provide information that will improve investigative and prosecutorial outcomes.
  • All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on May 3, 2018

Applicants must register with Grants.gov prior to submitting an application.

Learn how to become an NIJ proposal peer reviewer.


This solicitation is competitive; therefore, NIJ staff cannot have individual conversations with prospective applicants. Any questions concerning the solicitation should be submitted to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service:

What this grant does for your agency

This solicitation seeks to address several research gaps that remain. NIJ has identified the following research priorities:

  • Examining the characteristics and motivations of offenders, including an understanding of pathways to hate crime offending. Research that develops new or tests existing typologies of hate crime offenders is also a priority. Information about the characteristics, motivations, and trajectories of individuals who commit hate crimes can aid in the development of evidence-informed interventions that match intervention components to
    targeted groups to prevent hate crimes from occurring.
  • Identifying effective interventions targeted at preventing hate crime offenders from reoffending.
    Identifying effective interventions for addressing the needs of hate crime victims and their communities or working with individuals who commit hate crimes to prevent reoffending. Evaluation of interventions for victims of hate crime would be of particular relevance to victim service providers, while evaluating justice-based interventions aimed at offenders will help to inform the justice system about the most effective ways to prevent reoffending.
  • Conducting research to assist police and prosecutors in responding to, investigating and prosecuting hate crimes. Research that has implications for increasing victim reporting, identifying effective strategies for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes, and improving data collection will be considered under this priority area. The need for improved data collection and research to assist law enforcement and prosecutors were identified as priorities at the 2017 Hate Crimes Summit hosted at OJP.

Only a limited number of grants will be awarded.

Federal Award Information

NIJ expects to make up to 2 awards with an estimated total amount awarded of up to $1.5 million. Awards will normally not exceed a three-year period of performance.

An applicant should base its federal funding request and period of performance on the actual requirements of the research, and not necessarily on the anticipated amount of funding available in FY 2018 for awards under this solicitation nor to fit within a three-year period of performance. However, to expedite the budget approval process, applicants are encouraged to break out their budgets by project year or by phases in the event that NIJ choses to fund the project partially or incrementally.

NIJ expects that any award under this solicitation will be made in the form of a grant or
cooperative agreement.

To allow time for (among other things) any necessary post-award review and financial clearance by OJP of the proposed budget and for any associated responses or other action(s) that may be required of the recipient, applicants should propose an award start date of January 1, 2019.

Grant Eligibility

For full eligibility details, see the Grant Guidelines:

In general, NIJ is authorized to make grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, States (including territories), units of local government, federally recognized Indian tribal governments that perform law enforcement functions (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior), nonprofit and for-profit organizations (including tribal nonprofit and for-profit organizations), institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education), and certain qualified individuals. Foreign governments, foreign organizations, and foreign colleges and universities are not eligible to apply.

About NIJ

NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. More https://nij.gov/about/Pages/welcome.aspx


Grants.gov number assigned to this solicitation: NIJ-2018-13961

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