
Sequestration Budget Cuts Will Not Impact Current 2012 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Applications or Awards

Current 2012 awards and those issued in earlier years for the AFG, Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER), and Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Programs will NOT be impacted by the anticipated sequestration budget cuts. In other words, the budget cuts will not impact the funding of AFG awards EMW-2012-XX, and earlier years.

Furthermore, AFG applications now under consideration for award will not be affected by these cuts. However, we encourage all grantees to begin procurement procedures and spend their awarded funds in a timely manner.

In his March 4, 2013, letter, David J. Kaufman, the Grant Programs Directorate’s (GPD) Acting Assistant Administrator, stated that the sequestration budget cuts will affect FY 2013 grants but will not affect grants awarded in FY 2012 or previous fiscal years.The sequestration budget cuts will likely affect FY 2013 funding levels for all GPD grants, including AFG, subject to FEMA’s final FY 2013 appropriation.

But current AFG awards and applications now under consideration for award will not be affected by these cuts.

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