
The #1 Reason Your FP&S Application Will Fail This Year

Public Safety Grant News and Tips by, Kurt Bradley, Certified Grants Consultant

Photo: Sean MacEntee - http://www.flickr.com/photos/smemon/4495072850/

Why Your FY2012 FP&S Grant Application Will Fail This Year

When you apply for this fall’s FY2012 Fire Prevention and Safety Grants Program, odds are your application will fail unless you take the time to read what causes that failure and how to correct it. Whether you’re a fire department or a fire prevention organization, there is one critical error that most applications make. Will you make the same mistake this year… or will you get beyond this critical error and move your application into the winner’s circle?

The #1 Reason Your FP&S Application Will Fail This Year

Here is the #1 reason why most FP&S applications fail:

If your program is not detailed and specific enough, your application will be rejected and your project will not be funded.

It’s as simple as that. Most grant applications do not provide enough research, enough data, enough justification of need, and enough sense of why the project matters to that department and that department’s community. When those details aren’t there, then the only thing waiting for your application is a big ole’ “REJECTED” stamp.

What Can You Do About It?

Now that you know the problem, here’s what you should be doing about it right now. Not “when the program opens for applications.” Right. Now.

Understand exactly what sort of program you are seeking funding for.

Explain the difference this program will make in your community, such as how many students will be exposed to your department’s fire safety program, or how many seniors will be safer in their homes due to the smoke detectors installed. How many classes will be presented and how long is each class? What lessons will be imparted? How will you determine that your program is having the desired effect and achieving positive results?

Do your homework.

We know, we know. It’s not fun hitting the books and pulling statistics. But when it comes to grants, if you want the award dollars, your application has to include solid numbers. Use the USFA reports that they have available on their website. These reports are full of relevant statistical data to help. Be sure that you always quote your own local statistics alongside of national data. This proves your point that this problem is occurring in your areas of coverage. Make sure your application includes very detailed statistics and data about your community, your department and demographics relevant to the program you’re requesting funding for.

Stand out.

If you are seeking a grant to promote a smoke detector distribution program, don’t just simply ask for smoke detectors. Explain how smoke detectors play into a larger comprehensive Fire Prevention program. “Make ’em bleed, make em’cry” with details about the population you want to use this program to help, plus how and why not receiving this funding leaves your population at risk.

To the Winner’s Circle

Fire grants are more competitive than ever. But just because more grant applications come in for a program, doesn’t mean that yours can’t rise to the top. When you include solid numbers, show how your program helps the community and is thought-out and thorough, you will greatly increase your chances of receiving an FP&S fire grant this year.

Need help with your FP & S Application?

Since 1998, our Certified Grants Consultants have helped America’s public safety agencies win over $900,000,000 in grant funding. We can help you too:

About the FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety Grants Program (FP & S)

The Fire Prevention and Safety Grants (FP&S) are part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG), and are under the preview of the Grant Programs Directorate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FP&S Grants support projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards. The primary goal is to target high-risk populations and reduce injury and prevent death. In 2005, Congress reauthorized funding for FP&S and expanded the eligible uses of funds to include Firefighter Safety Research and Development. More information at the FP & S homepage »

Photo: Sean MacEntee

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