
Want the grant… but don’t want to write it?

Ask us about our Public Safety Grant Writing Services

You want the grant…

But maybe you don’t yet have the skills… or time… to write one.

We can help with that.

We have a full contingent of grant writers available to handle the tasks of writing your grant from start to finish.

Grant writing usually entails having a knowledgeable person readily accessible and available to the consultant assigned, in order to gather and share information particular to your agency, community and statistical and budgetary data. Depending upon the complexity of the grant and the information required, it may also entail travel by the consultant to your location. (Any required travel will be pre-approved and billed separately.)

Contact us for a quote
Every grant program, department, organization, and community is different. As such, let’s talk about your needs and challenges, then we can present you with a quote.

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Write a stronger grant

We can train you to write competitive grants

We can write or review your application for you

Need grant help?

Contact a grant consultant today