
OVW FY 2024 Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant Program (STCJ)

$6,000,000 available for Tribal criminal justice and jurisdiction grants

Grant Website

Grant Guidelines

Grants.gov Opportunity Number: O-OVW-2024-171919

Assistance Listing #: 16.025

Grant Deadlines

Deadline to submit SF-424 and SF-LLL in Grants.gov: 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET) on July
9, 2024

Deadline to submit full application in JustGrants: 8:59 PM ET on July 11, 2024

Past grants have been up to $500,000, but FY 2024 has no defined award ceiling

The Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction (Tribal Jurisdiction Program) provides support and technical assistance to Indian tribes for planning and implementing changes in their criminal justice systems necessary to exercise “special tribal criminal jurisdiction” (STCJ) and funds to exercise the jurisdiction.

What’s New About this OVW Program for FY 2024

  • All applicants selected for funding will receive 60-month awards.
  • The solicitation does not include any budget cap (maximum award amount), meaning that tribes may apply based on the total amount needed to carry out the proposed project.
  • All applicants are required to include at least $50,000 for OVW-sponsored training and technical assistance in their budgets.
  • There is no cap on the percentage of the project budget that can be allocated for medical care of incarcerated non-Indian defendants.
  • New applicants and continuation applicants currently not exercising STCJ over any covered crime must dedicate a staff or contracted Project Coordinator position of at least .5 FTE (half-time position) to their proposed project.
  • Consortia of Indian tribes are encouraged to apply for funding.

What this grant does for your agency

The Tribal Jurisdiction Program is designed to enhance the ability of tribes to implement and exercise STCJ. The program encourages collaborations among tribal leadership, courts, prosecutors, attorneys, defenders, law enforcement, probation, victim services providers, and other partners to ensure that victims find safety and justice and that non-Indians who commit the covered crimes in the Indian Country of the tribe are held accountable.

In 2023, the Tribal Jurisdiction Program gave out four awards totaling $6 million. The program’s Targeted Support for Alaska Native Tribes Special Initiative gave out 2 awards totaling $3 million.

Agencies awarded the OVW FY 2024 Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant Program (STCJ) receive grants from OVW from a pool of funding estimated to be $6 million.

In prior years, this program has typically made awards in the range of $300,000-$500,000.

For FY 2024, OVW is not setting a maximum award amount per application. OVW estimates that it will make up to 10 awards for an estimated $6,000,000.

Only a limited number of grants will be awarded.

Grant Eligibility

For full eligibility details, see the Grant Guidelines:

Governments of Indian tribes that have jurisdiction over Indian country

About the OVW

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) is a component of the U.S. Department of Justice. OVW implements the provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and provides national leadership on the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. More

Grant Deadlines

Deadline to submit SF-424 and SF-LLL in Grants.gov: 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET) on July
9, 2024

Deadline to submit full application in JustGrants: 8:59 PM ET on July 11, 2024


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