
Complete and Send Now: SAFER Application Period Closes Mar. 25, 5 p.m. ET

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) GrantsComplete & Submit Your Application Now: The FY2015 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Application Period Closes on Friday, March 25, 5 p.m. ET

Mar. 21, 2016 – There is still plenty of time to complete and submit your FY 2015 SAFER application. The application period will close on Friday, March 25. Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Make every effort to submit your application early as no exceptions will be made for submissions after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Complete your application today at portal.fema.gov/famsVuWeb/home

Application Review Checklist

* Applications cannot be edited once submitted *

  • Proofread your application: Mistakes or errors on your SAFER application can disqualify your organization for grant award consideration.
  • If you included any “filler” or placeholder text while filling out your application, update the application fields with your final and complete answers
  • Do the sequences of your sentences and paragraphs present clear thoughts and ideas?
  • Does your narrative explain your organizations needs in a way that someone would easily understand?
  • Check the quantities and costs for all budgeted line items that you are requesting and confirm that there are no discrepancies between the Request Details Information section of the application and the Narrative. Ensure that you have included costs for all items and/or activities that are needed to implement your grant, if awarded.
  • Have all application fields, or questions, been answered?
  • Make sure that you have described your organizations needs in your voice, do not use boilerplate language or copy from vendors, manufacturers, etc.
  • Ask a colleague who is not involved with the actual writing of the grant to proofread your application.

Make sure that all facts and figures are accurate throughout the entire application.

Web Browser Reminders

For best results, use Internet Explorer when completing your online SAFER application. Alternate browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari, may have limited functionality in the application.

Avoid opening multiple web browsers or multiple windows when completing and submitting your SAFER application; this has caused technical problems for some users.

There are several known problems entering application information using non-IE browsers or having multiple browsers open, including but not limited to:

  • system failure to recognize correct information
  • system failure to capture and retain correct information
  • system functions like “cut and paste” being disabled
  • system resources like help screens or drop down menus being unavailable

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