Using HMGP to enhance disaster resilience related to building codes
Download these new HMGP resources today!
The Additional 5 percent Initiative is funding that has been set aside under the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (HMGP) to help communities enhance disaster resilience related to building codes, such as adopting the current International Building Code® and improving a community’s Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) score.
Additional 5 percent Initiative Fact Sheet provides Recipients and subrecipients of HMGP funds with additional information on how to implement the Additional 5 percent Initiative as changed by the Fiscal Year 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance. FEMA’s intention in supporting the adoption and enforcement of building codes is to promote resilience by using disaster-resistant practices. A building is considered disaster resistant when it not only protects its occupants but can also be quickly repaired and re-occupied because damage from natural disasters is minimized.
Clarifying the Additional 5 percent Initiative Resources is a companion document to the Fact Sheet highlighting where to find more information on resilient building practices.