
Got AFG? Get ready for Programmatic Performance Report Submission

AFG fire grant news from FEMA

For the first time, grant recipients in the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program will submit their Programmatic Performance Reporting FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) portal. The Programmatic Performance Report requests information on the grant’s status, summary of project expenditures, and any potential issues that may affect project completion.  

Recipients who received and manage an award in the FEMA GO portal must now prepare and submit a performance report through FEMA GO for the following programs: 

  • Assistance to Firefighters Grants (including the AFG-S Program);  
  • Fire Prevention and Safety Grants 
  • Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants.  

PPR submission timelines have been modified for FYs 2018, 2019, and 2020 grant recipients per Information Bulletins 468 (AFG)470 (FP&S)471 (SAFER). The first PPR submission should be completed by April 30, 2022. Future PPR submission deadlines will be January 30 and July 30 of each calendar year while the grant period of performance is open. 

Recipients must submit programmatic performance reports as a condition of their award acceptance. Future awards and funds drawdown may be withheld if these reports are delinquent, demonstrate lack of progress, or are insufficient in detail. 

General instructions for submitting a PPR (pages 5-8) are available online at FEMA GO Programmatic Performance Report Guide.  

AFGP Final Performance Report (Closeout) Update  

The Final Programmatic Performance Report functionality is estimated to be available in the FEMA GO portal by fall 2022 for FY 2018 and later AFGP grant recipients.  

 In the meantime, grant recipients are encouraged to gather grant documents (quotes, receipts, canceled checks, and bank statements), as these documents will make the completing the final programmatic performance report easier. Make note of how the grant funding was used and how your organization benefited for your closeout narrative. 

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