
NIMS Resource Management Supplemental Guidance and Tools: National Engagement Period

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management AgencyFEMA’s National Integration Center is soliciting feedback on five National Incident Management System (NIMS) Resource Management component documents that enhance interoperability and the effectiveness of mutual aid. This National Engagement Period will conclude at 5 pm EDT on June 9, 2017.

The drafts released today include the NIMS Guideline for the National Qualification System (NQS), NIMS Job Titles/Position Qualifications and accompanying Position Task Books (PTB), the NIMS Guideline for Mutual Aid, and an updated NIMS Guideline for the Credentialing of Personnel. Together, these documents are designed to enhance interoperability and the effectiveness of mutual aid.

Today’s release includes:

  • The NIMS Guideline for the NQS, which describes the components of a qualification and certification system, defines a process for certifying the qualifications of incident personnel, describes how to stand up and implement a peer review process, and provides an introduction to the process of credentialing personnel.
  • The NIMS Job Titles/Position Qualifications, which define minimum qualifications criteria for personnel serving in defined deployable incident positions.
  • The NIMS Position Task Books (PTBs), which identify the competencies, behaviors, and tasks that personnel should demonstrate to become qualified for a defined incident position.
  • The NIMS Guideline for Mutual Aid, which is designed to help unify mutual aid efforts by providing stakeholders with common practice and processes for use in mutual aid planning.
  • The updated NIMS Guideline for the Credentialing of Personnel, which provides standards and guidance for credentialing incident personnel nationwide.
  • FEMA is hosting a series of 60-minute webinars to describe the draft documents and answer participants’ questions about providing feedback. The webinars are geared toward the whole community.

National engagement provides interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the draft NIMS Resource Management supplemental guidance and tools to ensure that the products reflect the collective expertise and experience of the whole community. To review the draft of the NIMS Resource Management supplemental guidance and tools, and to obtain additional webinar information, visit https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management-system/national-engagement. To provide comments on the draft, complete the feedback form and submit it to [email protected].

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