
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funding Increase for FY14 Program

FEMA grant status: PDM and FMA

On May 30, 2014, FEMA revised the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the FY2014 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program to increase the amount available from $23M to $63M.

There are no other changes to the program.

The application period closes on July 25, 2014, at 3pm (EDT). Applicants must apply via the Mitigation Electronic Grants Management System (eGrants) on the FEMA Grants Portal: https://portal.fema.gov. The Fiscal Year 2013 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance is still effective for the PDM program.

For the FY 2014 PDM program

Applicants may submit a maximum of 11 sub-applications in a PDM grant application:

  • 10 for mitigation planning and projects, plus 1 management cost sub-application
  • Out of the 10 mitigation planning and projects, applicants may submit a maximum of 2 project sub-applications

Each applicant’s number one ranked sub-application must not exceed $250,000 federal share in order to be eligible for the state and tribal set asides.

FEMA will select eligible applications for funding in the agency’s priority order:

  • 1% statutory set aside of $250,000 for States/Territories/District of Columbia;
  • $5 million Tribal set aside for a maximum of $250,000 per Tribe;
  • Mitigation planning activities: 1) Plans from applicants without an open application period for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), 2) Plans from applicants with an open HMGP application period; and
  • Cost-effective mitigation project applications: 1) Non-flood mitigation projects from applicants without an open HMGP application period, 2) Non-flood mitigation projects from applicants with an open HMGP application period, 3) Flood mitigation projects from applicants without an open HMGP application period, and 4) Flood mitigation projects from applicants with an open HMGP application period. is placeholder text.

Prospective subapplicants should contact their State Hazard Mitigation Officer for further information regarding program and application requirements.

Please visit www.grants.gov to read the revised Funding Opportunity Announcement and PDM Fact Sheet for further details.

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