
Application Period Coming Soon For FY 2012 Fire Prevention And Safety Grants

As you prepare and implement Fire Prevention Week activities in your community, please consider preparing for the fiscal year (FY) 2012 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) grant application period.

The application period is planned to open in late fall. Keep watching the AFG website at www.fema.gov/firegrants for additional information. Two videos with tips about applying for FP&S grants also can be viewed on the FP&S section of the AFG website.

To assist in your preparations, you may wish to visit the websites shown below, where you can find information about some current and past AFG-funded projects and learn about grantees’ models for successful FP&S initiatives:

Thank you once again for your continued service to the communities and citizens within your jurisdiction and for protecting us all during times of emergency and disaster.

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