
FY2012 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Closeout Module Not Yet Available

The closeout module for FY 2012 FP&S awards is currently not available. As such, no closeout may be submitted, or is required, at this time.

Upon the deployment of the module all FY 2012 FP&S grantees will receive a notification via the AFG e-grant system. From the date of that notification, grantees will have 90 days to submit your closeout report as allotted per 44 CFR §13.50 (b).

As the inability to submit the closeout is due to a system issue, no negative consequences shall arise due to the delinquency of closeout reports prior to the closeout module being available to the grantees and the aforementioned 90 days. It is anticipated that the FY 2012 FP&S closeout module will be available in July of 2015.

When the module becomes available and if additional assistance is required, please review the closeout tutorial (http://www.fema.gov/rules-tools/2011-closeout-report-tutorial-introduction) and/or contact our help desk (1-866-274-0960).

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