
21 changes for FY 2023 AFG fire grants

The Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program (AFG) opens for applications on Jan. 29, 2024. The program’s requirements, processes, and priorities always change year over year, and the FY 2023 program is no exception.

 As you prepare your AFG fire grant application, below are 21 changes you’ll want to take into consideration.

Other important AFG news

  • For applicants that did not receive an award for FY 2022 AFG fire grants, turndown notices are expected to be released during December 2023
  • FY 2023 AFG opens on January 29, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. EST, and closes on March 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EST. The AFG application period will last six weeks
  • The FY 2023 AFG NOFO is expected to come out in early January

What’s new and different for FY 2023 fire grants?

1. PFAS-free turnout gear recommended

“Forever chemicals” such as PFAS, or Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances, have long been a part of many products. However, for FY 2023, sourcing turnout gear that is PFAS-free is strongly recommended for turnout gear coats and pants. Note that’s a “recommendation,” not a “requirement.”

At this time we’re not sure if PFAS-free turnouts will be a requirement in FEMA GO. As of now, only one vendor in the US has a PFAS-free moisture barrier, so it remains to be seen what FEMA GO might list requirements or options.

The complete turnout set includes:

  • Helmet
  • Two hoods
  • Coat
  • Pants
  • Two sets of gloves
  • Boots
  • Suspenders
  • Goggles
  • PASS device (if needed)

Bail-out/personal escape devices are included in the complete set only if the department has written policies requiring them.

2. Damaged PPE eligible for replacement

PPE (including SCBA) can be replaced regardless of age IF the gear is damaged, unsafe, and/or unrepairable. For example, if someone has PPE that is five years old and damaged or unsafe from fire or other damage, it can be replaced.

3. Vehicle mounted fans are ineligible

A vehicle-mounted fan can be a legitimate need, but it’s not going to be eligible for AFG grant funding. However, vehicle-mounted exhaust systems are now considered a high-priority item.

4. National Fire Academy requirements included in State Fire Training Academy definition

The definition of a State Fire Training Academy will include the requirements that have to be met in order to be recognized by the National Fire Academy.

5. Micro-grants limit increased to $75,000 federal share

Micro-grants are part of the AFG Program Operations and Safety program activity. For FY 2023, the limit has increased from $50,000 federal share to $75,000 federal share.

As in the past with micro-grants, if a department has applied for the “same items in the past three years, and have been turned down for the same request each year or have applied in the last three years and been turned down for any funding with AFG,” apply using a micro-grant. If a department applies with a micro-grant for these items, the scoring gives an additional 3 points.

However, if it is the first time they have ever applied for that specific equipment, or if they have been awarded in the past 3 years, we would advise that department to not designate a micro-grant, even if the request is lower than the $75,000.

6. $1,500 cap on management and administration costs

Previous iterations of AFG have capped eligible management and administration costs at 3% of the overall award. For FY 2023, however, the cap has been changed to a maximum of $1,500.

7. Active SAM.gov account required at all stages of grant process

Applicants are now REQUIRED to have an active account in SAM.gov throughout the entire application and award cycle. In the past, departments could submit an AFG grant, then activate their SAM.gov account after submission. That is no longer an option.

Now, the department must be active the entire time, or the application will be kicked out. You’ll want to maintain your SAM.gov account in an active status throughout the application and awards cycle. 

8. SCBA compressors are a medium priority, except as regional grants

An SCBA compressor is considered a medium priority for FY 2023, with one exception.

If one or more SCBA compressors are being applied for as part of a regional grant, then those items will be classified as a high priority.

9. For Fire Service organizations, electric/gas-powered equipment is a medium priority

Any equipment powered or operated by gas or electricity is considered a medium priority, if the applicant is a Fire Service organization.

However, EMS power cots and power lifts are considered a high priority item this year, as they were last year.

10. Fit testers have medium priority.

Fit testers remain eligible for potential AFG funding, but they now have medium priority.

11. Auto extrication equipment is a medium priority

All equipment related to auto extrication is now considered a medium priority.

12. Portable radios are the only high priority communications equipment

Communications equipment such as mobiles, base stations, and pagers are not high priority in FY 2023 AFG. Portable radios are the only communications equipment considered high priority this cycle.

13. New high priority items

The list of high priority items eligible for AFG funding now includes:

  • IDLH monitoring
  • IDLH protection for investigators
  • Thermal imagers
  • Hose
  • Hose nozzles
  • Hose appliances
  • Hand tools
  • RIT
  • PPE washer/extractor/dryer
  • Skid units for brush trucks
  • Vehicle mounted exhaust systems

14. For requested EMS equipment, EMS applicants MUST have staff training to service the level required

EMS equipment has mostly stayed the same for FY 2023 AFG, with one major change:

EMS applicants MUST have staff training to service the level required for the EMS equipment requested. 

15. New eligible replacement ages for PPE and SCBA

PPE replacement priorities, including SCBA, have changed for FY 2023 AFG. If a department seeks an AFG fire grant for PPE and/or SCBA replacement:

PPE being replaced must be 10 years old or older.

SCBA being replaced must be:

  • 10 years old or older, and
  • Compliant with the 2007 edition of NFPA 1981 or older editions
  • 2013 NFPA SCBA will not make it past computer scoring, no matter the type of department.

Any PPE that is damaged, unsafe, or unrepairable is a high priority, no matter the age.

16. Wildland PPE is a high priority

For wildland firefighting, that PPE is considered a high priority eligible item under FY 2023 AFG.

17. Other PPE and proximity suits are considered medium

While turnout gear and wildland PPE can be high priority, FY 2023 AFG considers the following PPE as medium priority:

  • Priority ballistic PPE
  • Extrication/rescue PPE
  • Wet/dry suits
  • Hazardous materials PPE (at all levels)
  • Proximity suits

18. What to request as PPE and what to request as “additional funding”

What is considered PPE and what is considered equipment has a dividing line:

  • If the item is to be worn, it is considered PPE.
  • if an item is used or carried it is considered equipment.

The PPE/equipment divide has an exception related to air-refill/cascade systems (regional request only), PPE washers/dryers, or RIT packs. If you are applying for PPE, you can request these items as “additional funding.” They are not scored if you get the PPE award. Instead, you will get the additional funding to procure these items.

Note: Do NOT apply for any of the non-PPE equipment under a separate request, as it will get the entire application kicked out. Just request additional funding when applying for PPE along with air-refill/cascade systems (regional request only), PPE washers/dryers, or RIT packs.

19. SCBA and portable radio quantity limits

SCBA and portable radios awards are based on the number of seated riding positions on the apparatus identified on the application, with the following exceptions, which need to be addressed in detail in the narrative:

In the past if you had a two-seat engine you could request up to four SCBA on that apparatus; if you carry eight SCBA on that engine in a compartment you can request up to eight for that apparatus, with the understanding you can not request more than members of the department. 

For example, if you have two engines in the department that have four seated riding positions and you have twenty members in your department, you can request up to twenty packs as long as it is explained in detail in the narrative sections. Portable radios can be requested on the number of active members but must be justified in the application.

20. High priority items for fire stations

High priority items for fire stations include:

  • Direct source capture exhaust systems
  • Fire sprinkler systems
  • Smoke alarm/fire alarm systems

Additional considerations are given to stations with sleeping quarters, and/or to stations that are occupied 24/7 (that does not need to be firefighters either: If area EMS or PD uses the building and it’s occupied 24/7, that will work too). The maximum award amount per station will be $100,000.

21. Training props and simulators priority

Under FY 2023 AFG, training props and simulators:

  • Medium priority for fire departments and districts
  • High priority for EMS

FY 2023 AFG fire grants are about to open, are you ready?

We can help. Every year, dozens of Fire Service organizations nationwide rely on us to help them prepare and submit their AFG applications. We can only take on a limited number of clients each season though.

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