
FY11-FY13 Grantee Closeouts, Procurement, Suspension/Debarment

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

Sept. 7, 2016 – FEMA has released details on grant closeout requirements, procurement activity – suspension and debarment, and period of performance.

Grant Closeout Requirements

The FY2013 Closeout module for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program is now available. The module was deployed on August 12, 2016. If you received funding for an FY13 AFG award, closeout reports will be due as outlined:

1. If your grant period of performance expired before August 12, 2016, you will have 90 days from August 12th to submit your report; and,

2. If your period of performance has not yet expired, or expired AFTER August 12th, 2016, your closeout report will be due 90 days from the end of the period of performance.
If you require assistance with your closeout report, please review the closeout tutorial (http://www.fema.gov/closeout-report-tutorial-introduction) or call the AFG help desk at 1-866-274-0960.

For all FY2011 and FY2012 AFG Grant Awards, in accordance with 44 CFR §13.50 (b), your organization has no later than 90 days after the end date of the period of performance to submit your closeout report. If you require assistance with your closeout report, please review the closeout tutorial (http://www.fema.gov/closeout-report-tutorial-introduction) or call the AFG help desk at 1-866-274-0960.

Procurement Activity – Suspension And Debarment

For all grants awarded on or after December 26, 2014: All procurement activity must be conducted in accordance with Federal Procurement Standards at 2 C.F.R. § 200.317 – 200.326. If you use a contractor under an AFG grant, you must verify that the contractor is not suspended or debarred from participating in specified federal procurement or non-procurement transactions pursuant to 2 CFR § 180.300. You may search for any suspensions or debarments at www.SAM.gov.

Period of Performance

Additionally, we highly recommend that you do not enter into any contracts prior to the start date of the grant period of performance. Only costs incurred between the period of performance start and end dates are allowable for reimbursement. Fees for grant writers are considered an exception and may be included as a pre-award expenditure.

Thank you for your continued participation in, and support of, the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program!

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